Episode 19: Best of 2016


You'd be hard pressed to find someone who wouldn't agree that 2016 has been a shit year. Tragedy after tragedy, deaths of many famous people we love (JuanGa!), and now we're facing a scary political future under the Orange Chupacabra. But one thing that 2016 didn't disappoint on was really great music. So we're closing out the year by bringing you some of our favorites from 2016. Let's find solace in the music we loved, and then say vete al carajo to 2016.

Things we mentioned in the episode:

Listen on iTunesSoundcloudStitcher and Google Play. As always, featured songs are below.

(Editors note: We realized after we recorded this episode that this song was actually released as a single in November 2015 before being re-released as part of a 2016 album. But we still love it. #sorrynotsorry)

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